About Me

  • Javascript - HTML - CSS
    -Build Responsive Webstie
  • Python
    -Discord Bot
    -Simple Quiz Game
  • C/C++
    -Simple Projects
  • 2023 - Current
    Solving Leetcode & Learning Algorithms
  • 2023
    Build Own Responsive Website/Portfolio
  • 2022
    Qualified in National Programming Workshop/Competition
  • 2021 - 2022
    Build & Maintain Discord Bot
  • 2023 - Current
    Fudan University Computer Science Degree
  • 2017 - 2022
    Foon Yew High School

My Services

Responsive Website

Want to have your own website? No worries I can get you a responsive website like this website you are seeing now!

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Discord Bot

Always want to have a customizable/simple Discord Bot in your own server? Let me build you one simple chat bot with some general functions!

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Python-Based Project

Need to get rid of some tricky Python Projects or Leetcode Problems? Giving you the best guides to help you solve these difficult matters!

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My Life


Daily basis~ Always try to do something new !


The best way to entertain yourself is listen to music !


Not only swimming ! I also play a lot of basketball, football etc...

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